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2024-11-05 16:58:09


中西合璧:精美中餐菜谱中英文对照大全 1



嫩豆腐 400克

牛肉末 100克

青蒜 2根

花椒 1小把

干辣椒 6个

豆瓣酱 2大勺

生姜末 1大勺

蒜末 1大勺

酱油 1大勺

糖 1小勺

盐 适量

水淀粉 适量

食用油 适量

鸡汤或清水 150毫升


Soft tofu 400g

Ground beef 100g

Garlic chives 2 stalks

Sichuan peppercorns 1 small handful

Dried red chilies 6

Chili bean sauce 2 tablespoons

Fresh ginger, finely chopped 1 tablespoon

Garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoon

Soy sauce 1 tablespoon

Sugar 1 teaspoon

Salt to taste

Cornstarch slurry (mixed with water) as needed

Cooking oil as needed

Chicken broth or water 150ml

制作过程(Cooking Steps)


1. 豆腐处理:将嫩豆腐切成2厘米见方的小块,放入沸水中焯水2分钟,捞出沥干水分,备用。这一步可以有效去除豆腥味,同时使豆腐不易碎。

2. 准备配料:青蒜洗净切段,干辣椒剪成小段,花椒用少量油炒香备用。炒香的花椒可以提升整道菜品的香气。

3. 炒制牛肉末:锅中倒入适量食用油,油热后加入牛肉末,煸炒至牛肉变色,加入生姜末和蒜末继续炒香。牛肉末的加入为这道菜增添了丰富的口感和营养价值。

4. 加入豆瓣酱:将豆瓣酱加入锅中,小火慢炒,炒出红油和香味。豆瓣酱是麻婆豆腐的重要调料,它赋予了菜品独特的麻辣风味。

5. 调味:加入酱油、糖、盐和适量鸡汤或清水,大火烧开后转小火炖煮5分钟,使味道充分融合。根据个人口味调整盐和糖的用量,以达到最佳的口感。

6. 加入豆腐:将焯好水的豆腐轻轻放入锅中,用铲子轻轻推动,避免豆腐碎裂。小火炖煮3-5分钟,让豆腐充分吸收汤汁。

7. 勾芡:待汤汁略微浓稠时,用水淀粉勾芡,使汤汁更加浓郁。勾芡的时机要掌握好,过早或过晚都会影响菜品的口感和外观。

8. 出锅装盘:将炖好的麻婆豆腐盛出装盘,撒上炒香的花椒和干辣椒段,再撒上青蒜段作为点缀。青蒜的加入为菜品增添了一抹清新的绿色,同时提升了口感。

9. 加热油:在锅中倒入适量食用油,烧热后迅速浇在麻婆豆腐上,激发出花椒和干辣椒的香气。这一步是制作麻婆豆腐的点睛之笔,使菜品更加诱人。


1. Prepare Tofu:Cut the soft tofu into 2-cm cubes and blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes. Remove and drain, then set aside. This step helps remove the beany smell and prevents the tofu from breaking easily.

2. Prepare Ingredients:Wash the garlic chives and cut into sections. Cut the dried red chilies into small segments. Toast the Sichuan peppercorns in a small amount of oil and set aside. Toasted peppercorns enhance the aroma of the dish.

3. Cook Ground Beef:Heat some cooking oil in a pan. Add the ground beef and stir-fry until it changes color. Add the finely chopped ginger and garlic, and continue to stir-fry until fragrant. The addition of ground beef adds rich texture and nutritional value to the dish.

4. Add Chili Bean Sauce:Add the chili bean sauce to the pan and stir-fry over low heat until the red oil and aroma are released. Chili bean sauce is a crucial ingredient in Mapo Tofu, giving the dish its unique spicy and numbing flavor.

5. Season:Add soy sauce, sugar, salt, and enough chicken broth or water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and simmer for 5 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together. Adjust the amount of salt and sugar to taste for the best flavor.

6. Add Tofu:Gently add the blanched
